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Assignment on Management Style
by Commerce Solutions in


Management is a key factor for the success of any organized activity which is an essential component of all social organizations. Management is a discipline and culture. It is the life-giving dynamic organ of any institution it manages. Management refers to the series of functions and also to the people who discharge it.

"Management is a set of activities (including planning and decision making, organizing, leading and controlling) directed al an organization's resources (human, financial, physical and information), with the aim of achieving organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner.

Management may be defined as a process designed to ensure the cooperation, participation, intervention and involvement of others in the effective achievement of determined educational objectives. Being a social process, it lays major emphasis on the interaction of people, both inside and outside the educational institutions/organizations. To be called an educational manager is to be placed in a position from which one has to ensure change in other people's behavior patterns for the purpose of achieving the educational objective entrusted to him (Zaki, 1988).Defines educational management as the theory and practice of organization and administration of existing educational establishments and systems.

Management is a key factor in both firm success and firm failure. Management is the process of reaching organizational goals by working with and through people and other organizational resources. The term management can also refer to the individuals who guide and direct organizations or to a career devoted to the task of guiding and directing organization.

Management refers to In process of coordinating and integrating work activities so that they are completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people. Successful management is totally dependent on the human element. Heads don not get the job performed by themselves, regardless of their individual talents or drive. They must work with and through others to achieve organizational goals and objectives.

Management of school means setting realistic goals and drawing up plans to achieve them. Those plans involve distinct phases, setting objectives, allocating resources, delivering results, evaluating the impact, and resetting objectives in the light of evaluation. The goal of educational management at the institutional level is to achieve the social and system goals of education plus any additional objectives peculiar to the specific institution, to do this the managers will need to understand more completely the existing motivation of their fellow administration teachers, and pupils.

Management is a distinct process consisting of activities of planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling performed to determine and accomplish stated objectives with the use of human beings and other resources.

Ivancevich et al. (\ 986) proposed a model of management. Management functions are Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling.

• Planning determines what results the organization will achieve.

• Organizing specifics how it will achieve the results.

• Controlling determines whether the results have been achieved.

• Throughout planning, organizing and controlling managers exercise leadership.

Principal is the immediate boss of the college but has also to take care of the personality requirements of the staff members. There should be a balance between the production and people orientation. The principals perceive themselves as showing cordiality towards their teachers which the teachers sometimes nullify.

Management practices of the principals directly affect the performance of the teachers. This is a matter of influence. Democratic style is many a time considered the best one, where the management affairs are shared among the teachers and principals.

Authoritative principals do not share their management affairs and are not ready to invite their staff members in the decision making process.

There have been various theories regarding management throughout the ages.

Many a styles of leadership and management have been introduced. Among these, Blake and Mouton's Managerial Grid has attracted the attention of many scholars and practitioners.

"A graphic portrayal of a two dimensional view of leadership style has been developed by Blake and Mouton. They proposed a managerial grid based on the styles of "concern for people" and "concern for production", which essentially represent the

Ohio State dimensions of consideration and initialing structure or the Michigan dimensions of employee oriented and production oriented. The grid, depicted in the figure has nine possible positions, along each axis, creating eighty-one different positions in which the leader's style may fall. The grid does not show results produced, but rather the dominating factors in a leader's thinking in regard to gelling results.

This study is helpful to the college principals in the determination of management style equally favored by college teachers and principals. Higher educational authorities may find the findings of the study conducive in their efforts -towards successful management of the colleges.

Training agencies may organize refresher courses, orientation courses in educational planning and management for the college principals to equip them with the modem trends in educational administration.

The study may help opening new avenues for management studies in higher education. Such replication of the study will help generalization.

The major objectives of the study are as under:

1) To discover the perceptions of principle towards the own management style, according to Blake and Mouton managerial grid.

2) To compare the management style of principals as perceived by themselves the perceptions of college teachers and student about their principal management style,

3) To compare the management style of the principal on the variables of age, experience and qualification,

4) To identify the reasons for using the specific management style by the principal.

In order to achieve objectives Nos 1 and 2, following null hypothesis was formulated and tested:

H01. "There was no significant difference among the responses of principals themselves their subordinate and students about the management styles of the principals."

In order to achieve objective No.3 following null hypothesis was formulated and tested.

H02. 'There was no significant difference among the frequency of management style of the principals on the variables of age, experience, professional qualification and academic qualification."

In order to achieve objective No.4, following null hypothesis was formulated and tested:

H03 "There was no significant difference among the frequency of reasons for by using specific management style".